Once you have the Purchasing link provided by your district, you will be directed to the purchasing guide once you click the link which will provide you with detailed instructions on how to purchase the course and the catalog link for the district. There are about five steps you will need to go through in order to purchase the course. You must use a laptop or desktop computer with web browser Firefox or Chrome to complete the purchase of the course and to access the online training.
Click on the link titled the "(district name) Catalog Courses Link". Before clicking the catalog link be sure that if the district provides more than one course that you have reviewed the course information. Once you purchase the course there are no refunds.
After you have clicked the provided catalog link you can follow the steps below to complete the purchase. Below is a sample screenshot of a district's catalog link:
Step 1: Catalog
Step 2: Review Cart
If you already have an existing account you will need to select "Login".
Step 3: Account Information
Step 4: Payment
Step 5: Review
Once the course purchase has been completed you can access your course by selecting "View Course".